Abbeville County Traffic Ticket

Did you recently receive a traffic ticket or speeding ticket in Abbeville County

Do not make the mistake of paying your Abbeville County traffic citation without first learning how the traffic violation will affect your license and insurance from an experienced South Carolina traffic ticket lawyer.

Get a Free Consultation Fast.

Abbeville County Speeding Ticket

Were you recently caught driving too fast down SC 72 or 28? It’s easy to miss those reduced speed limit signs as you’re entering Antreville or Calhoun Falls. Before you pay an Abbeville County speeding ticket, talk to a traffic lawyer at Nosal & Jeter, LLP about the appropriate course of action.

Abbeville County Speeding Tickets

South Carolina Moving Violations

Even if you are not a South Carolina resident, you can still be cited for a number of violations, including:

  • Speeding
  • Driving without insurance
  • Breaching a red light
  • Reckless driving
  • Following too closely
  • Operating a vehicle in an unsafe condition
  • Sailing through a stop sign
  • Driving under suspension
  • Carrying an open container
  • Leaving the scene
  • Failing to stop for an accident
  • DUI or underage drinking

Driving Record and Insurance

Depending on the specific violation, an Abbeville County traffic ticket can hurt your driving record and easily inflate your insurance premium. Courtroom time alone can be a costly expense.

The state imposes a point system between two and six. Failure to dim your lights, for instance, adds two points to your driving record. This is a common offense at night along the dark stretch between Abbeville and Antreville. Following too closely is a four-point offense. Have you ever passed a stopped school bus in front of Calhoun Falls Charter School? That’s a six-point point hit if you happen to get cited.

Abbeville County Traffic Ticket Penalties

Even inadvertently speeding 5 mph over the limit is a strict liability offense that will cost you at least $80.00 in fees and court costs. You’re technically pleading guilty when you simply pay the stated fine and do not appear in court to contest the charge. This means additional points on your record and a scar with your insurance provider. A case involving dangerous or reckless criminal behavior may lead to a loss of driving privileges, a considerable fines and even incarceration. Your license can also be revoked after you incur a total of 12 points on your driving record. Continuing to drive on a suspended license can result in a $300 hit and up to 30 days in prison.

Working With a Traffic Defense Lawyer

The state often requires traffic violators to appear before the Abbeville County Magistrate or the applicable municipal court. This can be a major hassle, especially for non-residents. Our firm will work to minimize the inconvenience by dismissing or otherwise changing your outcome. Our office will consult directly with the court that is handling your case and even the specific officer who issued your ticket. Ultimately, we strive to reduce the number of points that go on your record and keep you from incurring a major loss.

Act Now to Fight Your Abbeville SC Ticket

Do not simply pay your fine and take the hit right away. If you were pulled over in Abbeville, Calhoun Falls, Antreville, Lowndesville, Lake Secession or Due West, call us at 803-351-3597 for a free consultation. Or, simply send us a screen shot of your ticket via text message or [email protected]. We even accept faxed copies at 803-403-9515.

We’re available morning and night, and we represent both South Carolina residents and non-resident visitors. Our experienced attorneys are happy to discuss your options and recommend the best way to minimize the blow of a traffic violation.

Abbeville County Magistrate Court

Located at 21 Old Calhoun Falls Rd., Abbeville, SC 29620

General Information about Abbeville County Magistrate Court

Abbeville County Magistrate Home Page

S.C. Traffic Attorney for Abbeville County  – Get help Fast! Get help Now!

For a free consultation on your ticket

Learn the facts before paying your ticket!

Our Attorneys

Peter J. Nosal, Esq.

Thomas C. Jeter III, Esq.
