Keep an Eye Out for These Springtime Road Hazards

Thomas Jeter • April 29, 2015

Keep an Eye Out for These Springtime Road Hazards

Spring is a beautiful time of year in the Carolinas. As the trees finally get their leaves and the temperatures rise, many people enjoy hopping in the car to go for a car ride with the windows down and the music up. However, spring also ushers in a few hazards that drivers should beware of in order to avoid an accident, ticket or untimely breakdown:

  1. Potholes

The freeze-thaw cycle over the winter takes its toll on the roads. As snow and ice thaw, water seeps into cracks in the road, which softens the gravel. That water will then freeze again and expand, causing the gravel to crack and break. Thus, a pothole is born.  Hitting a pothole can cause damage to your vehicle’s suspension and even throw off its alignment. Worse, drivers who aren’t paying attention may try to swerve to avoid a pothole, causing an accident and even injury.

  1. Water

Spring is notorious for rainstorms, which is a necessary part of getting those flowers to bloom. However, water on the roads calls for driving extra cautiously. Law enforcement officers are permitted to pull over people who are driving too dangerously for the current conditions. When the rain falls, drive slowly to avoid an accident and a ticket.

  1. Poorly Maintained Vehicles

Even though we tend to have mild winters here in South Carolina, we do get freezing temperatures that are hard on vehicles. Engines, tires and more take a beating during cold weather, which can affect the car’s overall performance. Experts suggest:

  • Changing your wiper blades to improve visibility
  • Washing your car thoroughly to remove snow and salt, which can be corrosive
  • Having a mechanic check your brakes and tires

A spring tune-up is a good idea for those who want to ensure that everything is in order before hitting the road.

  1. Children Playing

Warmer weather undoubtedly will bring children outside to play. Many neighborhoods will post signs reminding drivers to slow down. However, kids walking to school or playing ball in the front yard can have one misstep into the road. Motorists should always drive cautiously in areas where children may be present.

  1. Small Animals

You may have already noticed more animals darting across the road. Those furry creatures are just as excited about spring as we are. Unfortunately, they don’t understand the rules of the road. Drivers should always be aware of their surroundings, looking for movement on the side of the road that could indicate an animal is near. Deer especially tend to travel with friends, which means if you see one, another is likely close behind.

At Nosal & Jeter, LLP our goal is to help keep motorists out of trouble. In the unfortunate event that you are ticketed this spring, allow our experienced attorneys to help you through the legal process.