Richland County Speeding Ticket
If you have received a Columbia, South Carolina traffic citation, speeding ticket, or any other moving violation in Columbia, Forest Acres, or Irmo, call us today for a free consultation with a SC traffic ticket lawyer about your case in Richland County. Nosal & Jeter, LLP represents South Carolina residents and non-residents charged in Richland County South Carolina for speeding, reckless driving, driving under suspension, red light violations, stop sign infractions, and almost every other SC traffic violation.
The Richland County Central Traffic Court is located at 2500 Decker Blvd Columbia, SC 29206. The Magistrate Court is located at 201 John Mark Dial Drive, Columbia, SC 29209.
Call Now to speak to a SC Traffic Ticket Lawyer about your case in Columbia: (803) 351–3597
Regardless of where you are licensed, a South Carolina traffic or speeding ticket is something to take seriously. If you do not, it will affect your driver’s license and automobile insurance premiums. Most people do not understand that if you just pay the fine on the ticket, you are pleading guilty to the charge. If you want to get the charge dismissed or mitigate the effects of the original charge on your license and insurance, you must contest the charge and plead not guilty in court.
Too often we hear from drivers who do not live in South Carolina, but were charged with speeding or a stop sign violation while passing through our state. Instead of contacting an experienced SC traffic attorney, these driver’s just paid the fine and only call us when their license is suspended or their insurance premiums have dramatically increased. Unfortunately, it is usually too late and too expensive to do much at that point. The time to mitigate the effects of a South Carolina ticket is prior to your original court date. Call a knowledgeable South Carolina traffic lawyer today so that our firm can assist you in getting to the solution that best fits your unique case and results in the least damage to your insurance rates and your driving record. We will work with you to resolve your South Carolina traffic ticket.
Most of our clients are charged with speeding, stop sign violations, and red light tickets, but we can help no matter what the charge. Do not just pay the fine and take the license points!
University of South Carolina Traffic and Alcohol Violations
If you are a student at USC or just on campus for a game and are charged with a DUI, minor in possession, open container, or drug violation, call our office for a free consultation. While most people understand that charges related to drugs are criminal offenses, in South Carolina, traffic violations are criminal offenses as well. Do not make the mistake of pleading guilty to your charges without understanding the consequences of a guilty plea. You could lose your driver’s license and ability to obtain financial aid if you plead guilty instead of using a South Carolina Traffic Attorney to contest the charge. Call us today at 803-351-3597 for a free consultation.
We work with clients charged in Richland County and ordered to appear in the following courts:
Columbia, Richland County Central Traffic Court, Forest Acres, and Irmo
Hire an Experienced South Carolina Attorney to Fight your Richland County Ticket
If you call our office for a free consultation, we will explain your options and recommend a course of action. When you call, you can speak to a South Carolina speeding ticket lawyer who understands Richland County SC traffic offenses and how they affect your license and insurance.
Call (803) 351-3597 or E-mail [email protected] with your ticket information for a FREE consultation regarding your Richland County, SC traffic ticket