Union County Traffic Ticket

Did you recently receive a traffic ticket or speeding ticket in Union County

Do not make the mistake of paying your Union County traffic citation without first learning how the traffic violation will affect your license and insurance from an experienced South Carolina traffic ticket lawyer.

Get a Free Consultation Fast.

Union County Speeding Ticket

Cities & Towns: Carlisle, Jonesville, Lockhart, Union

The Union County Magistrate Court is located at 210 W. Main Street Union, SC 29379

Call Nosal & Jeter, LLP today if you received a speeding ticket, traffic citation, or any other moving violation in Carlisle, Jonesville, Lockhart or Union. Here at Nosal & Jeter, LLP, we have experience working with both South Carolina residents and non-residents with their Union County speeding tickets and traffic violations. Most of our clients in Union County receive speeding tickets, driving while license revoked, and reckless driving violations.

But we can help you will all your Union County traffic violations. Call our office today if you received any of the following charges:

  • Speeding Ticket, No Operators License, Driving Under Suspension, DUI, Open Container, All Insurance Violations, Stop Sign Violations, Stop Light Violations, Reckless Driving, Underage Drinking, and any other traffic violations.

Call our office today for a free consultation regarding your Union County ticket. We will understand your situation.

In order to help you, we must hear from you before you just pay the fine listed on your ticket. Do not just pay the fine and suffer the consequences.

What will happen if I just pay the fine?

First, getting a simple speeding ticket can lead to points on your license and can result in your insurance rates increasing. If you just pay the fine listed on your ticket, you are automatically pleading guilty to the charge, and you will therefore have to suffer these harms to your driving record and insurance premium without first exploring your available options to reduce those harms. Sometimes these charges are misdemeanor criminal offenses! Don’t just automatically pay the fine and risk these unwanted points and consequences.

What will happen if I miss my court date?

If you do not retain an attorney to go on your behalf and you miss your court date and do not appear, you will automatically be found guilty in your absence. Cases are rarely reopened once a person misses his or her court date and is found guilty. We understand, however, that it may be inconvenient to travel to Union County Magistrate Court, especially if you live out-of-state.

We therefore suggest you contest the charge and allow us to appear on your behalf. We will work hard to negotiate a reduction for you or work hard to get the charges dismissed. When you call Nosal & Jeter, LLP, you will be working with a knowledgeable South Carolina traffic attorney who can guide you towards the best options for your situation. Our traffic violation lawyers strive to provide quality legal defense and competent advice to help you avoid skyrocketed insurance rates and points, and possibly damage to your driving freedoms. Call us anytime, we are available evenings and weekends. We will work hard to get you the best possible outcome for your Union County ticket.

Call (803) 351-3597 or E-mail [email protected] with your ticket information for a FREE consultation regarding your Union County, SC traffic ticket

For a free consultation on your ticket

Learn the facts before paying your ticket!

Our Attorneys

Peter J. Nosal, Esq.

Thomas C. Jeter III, Esq.
