Auto-Brewery Syndrome: Getting a DUI Without Being Drunk

Thomas Jeter • August 21, 2018

Most South Carolina motorists know that drinking and driving is illegal. Some of them obey the law, some ignore it and get drunk before driving, and then there are the individuals who have a medical condition that makes them appear to be intoxicated. While one does not have to be drunk to receive DUI charges, all it takes is one drink for it to affect their driving skills. There are many things that can affect the results of field sobriety tests. Anyone who is pulled over for the suspicion of driving under the influence may have to take a breathalyzer test. Breathalyzer results are not infallible. It is not unusual for DUI charges to be reduced or dismissed after the defense proves there were issues with their field sobriety results.

What Is Auto-Brewery Syndrome?

Auto-Brewery Syndrome is a condition that many people are unaware they have. Some of them do not learn of it until they are facing criminal charges after they fail the breathalyzer and other field sobriety tests. The medical condition is rare. People who have auto-brewery syndrome sometimes experience the symptoms of alcohol intoxication because their guts are unable to process certain foods properly. Basically, their bodies turn carbohydrate-rich foods into alcohol. The alcohol in their systems can cause them to feel light-headed, dizzy, short-term memory loss, drowsiness, and other symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Much is still unknown about the condition.

The Condition Skews Field Sobriety Test Results

People who receive DUIs because they have this condition should hire an attorney and inform them about it. Their attorney may be able to use their condition to prove to the courts they did not consume alcohol or enough alcohol to be legally drunk. Auto-Brewery Syndrome causes false positives and results that are much higher than they should be. When using this condition as a defense, it is important for defendants to realize that there are a variety of factors the prosecution will use to get a conviction. By law, no one is to operate a motor vehicle while impaired. Alcohol causes impairment. Auto-Brewery Syndrome can cause impairment. Test results will not be the only evidence the prosecution uses. Other items that will play an important role in the outcome are the police report, arrest footage, and testimony from the officer and other witnesses.

Anyone who has been charged with a DUI should seek out the legal assistance of a skilled South Carolina DUI defense attorney. A DUI is a terrible price to pay for a medical condition that has no cure.