The Impact of Distractions on Highway Safety

Thomas Jeter • February 5, 2018

The Impact of Distractions on Highway Safety

Distracted drivers are a growing concern on roadways across the country, not just in the South Carolina highways. Each year, the number of highway fatalities increases, while driver safety diminishes. The roads are not necessarily becoming more dangerous. Much of the cause involves distracted driving.

Types of Distractions

Distractions come in many forms. The most popular kind involve the use of cellphones, vehicle infotainment controls, passengers, eating and personal grooming. According to The Washington Post, many “newer model vehicles have features that require drivers to remove their eyes and hands off the roads” to use them.  There is a common misconception that drivers are fully attentive when their eyes are on the roads and hands on the steering wheels. Numerous studies indicate that distractions also occur in mentally. People who are consciously thinking about other things besides driving are more likely to miss hazardous conditions and dangerous situations that lead to accidents.

How Drivers Can Avoid Distractions

Many people are not willing to admit they drive while distracted. Many of them assume that there is no way for authorities or anyone to track their actions when they are on the roads. To decrease the number of individuals who die in collisions where distractions are present, motorists should take heed of the following suggestions.

Resist the Temptation

Distractions are tempting and hard for many people to ignore. Drivers must exercise self-control and resist the impulse. It only takes a second for traffic conditions to change. Distractions are not worth the risk of harm and injury. Every second a driver’s eyes and hands are not performing their duties is a second less they have to react to hazardous conditions and situations.  Motorists should set their radio stations and playlists before they start driving. They should also put their cellphones and mobile devices on silent and out of reach. Driver should drive safely and defensively to avoid collisions with distracted motorists.

Make No Assumptions

Much of driving requires motorists to anticipate the actions of other drivers. By law, drivers must adhere to traffic laws, courtesies and drive to the best of their abilities at all times. When they deviate from those obligations, the results can be fatal. In some circumstances, there are driving infractions and criminal charges to contend with.

When motorists drive with distractions, it is only a matter of time before their actions and a resulting accident have adverse effects on their lives and the lives of others. Traffic safety involves more than road and weather conditions. A major part of it lies in the responsibility of drivers.