Traffic Stop Dos and Don’ts
If you’ve ever gotten a speeding ticket, you most likely paid it without asking any questions. It has been estimated that over 25 percent of the 41 million speeding tickets issued in 2014 were given in error, yet only 5 percent of the offenders took the time to fight the ticket in court. If you were one of those who received a ticket, you may have had a good chance that it shouldn’t have been issued in the first place. For this reason, it’s advisable to always consider your options before rushing to pay a speeding ticket. Here are some of the things you should and shouldn’t do if you find yourself at the mercy of the law.
Dos and Don’ts
- DO stay in your car when pulled over. You’re not the only one who is nervous in this situation. Police officers are aware of possible danger and are cautious, so remain in your car, respond politely and follow all directions.
- DON’T reach anywhere you don’t need to. Get any information out of the glove box before the police officer reaches your window and continue to leave your hands on the steering wheel during the conversation.
- DO pay close attention to small details, like the weather, traffic flow, road conditions and nearby signs.
- DO put your flashers on to let the officer know you are aware that you need to pull over and are finding a safe spot to do so.
- DON’T remain in the dark. If it’s nighttime, turn on your interior lights to let the cop see inside the vehicle and see that you are not a threat.
- DON’T state the reason you were pulled over. If the officer asks you if you’re aware of why you were pulled over, respond with a negative and ask for it to be explained to you.
- DO pay close attention to the details of the ticket. If your ticket is written in error, you may be able to use that information to fight it.
- DO consult a professional. Some people who decide to take the case to court do so alone and find themselves unprepared and overwhelmed once they stand before a judge. Hiring an experienced attorney who knows how to handle this type of case can be vital to your success.
If you find yourself facing a traffic fine and other possible consequences, be sure to follow these directions and be prepared to effectively fight your ticket. Doing so can save you money now as well as in the future.